Saturday, February 14, 2009

It's all in the details...

For a better part of two days I found myself employed at a KFC.

The first day on the job I puked for nearly an hour in a employee toilet after an attempt to clean out a chicken frier.  Day two they trained me on the register and I remember having involuntary gag reflexes while helping customers achieve heart disease. 

Day three might have ended me, but I wanted to keep going in this life, so I thought of ways I could call off work...

As luck would have it, my Mother asked me if I could pick up my brother from a friends house.

So I did what any loving brother would do, I called my employer, informed them that I needed to pick up my brother, and would be running more than late for todays shift.  They agreed to my obligation and immediately I set off to retrieve my younger brother.   

A little over two days later I called my employer to see what my schedule looked like for the following week.

"Hello KFC."
Dukes My Boy-
"Hey! It's Dukes My Boy, I was just calling to get my schedule."
"We fired you, you don't have a schedule."
Dukes My Boy-
"What? Why?"
"You said you had to pick up your brother, I was okay with you being late, but you didn't show up for two days!"

What I failed to mention was the fact that my brother was in Pennsylvanian and my return to Michigan and the glorious KFC wouldn't be for a couple days.  For heavens sakes, I asked him myself if I could go and he did say yes to the arrangement.  If only he would have dug a little deeper and asked the questions that really stir up answers like, who, what, where, when, and why? 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...,0.jpg