Monday, May 12, 2008

Curse of the Gypsy...

Is it bad that we laugh when people fall?  

I once saw a book bag falling like a sack of potato's land right on a woman's head from the "over head" bin on an airplane...I didn't laugh. 

Side note: 
I feel there is an unwritten rule to be as silent as possible while exiting the plane; besides for that one ass hole with the extra loud obnoxious ringer and even louder speaking voice.

This woman more than broke the silence going into a "freak out" screaming and weeping like I have never seen before...I think she was having a bad day to begin with and this was the last straw.  These were her lines:

"Oh my God!  Ahhhhh!  Why does this happen?!"

"That's why they tell you that bags shift!  Bags SHIFT!"

"Ahhh! Why ME!"

(Keep in mind there are flat out screams)

"Who did this??"

I was sitting right behind her, see glares at me...

"Did you do this??"

I said, "Lady I haven't even moved from my seat, I have no idea."


Standing behind me was a black man, wearing an old 70's suit, gray beard, and so tall he had to hunch over in the plane.

"I did it.", He said calmly

Crazy Lady turns around with hell fire, "You will remember will REMEMBER!"

Second side not:
I'm not sure if this was the curse of a gypsy woman, but I believe the story sounds a little bit better if it was...

Without being phased the man said, "yes.  yes I will."

I couldn't take it anymore and exploded into laughter.

Some people can't help themselves, sometimes accidents happen, and maybe my laughter was out of line, but then again...I didn't smack her in the face. 

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